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Friday, January 21, 2011

How to Play Ouk (Khmer Chess)

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Initial Setup
Khmer Chess BoardBoard Size: 8 x 8

Ouk (Khmer Chess) is a strategy game that we can play by two players. But in Cambodia they always play as 2 teams against each others that make this game more fun and excited. The board there are 8 x 8 = 64 squares and contains two different color chess pieces.

They have to set the pieces up from left to right as shown in the picture:
Touk (boat), Ses (Horse), Koul (Pillar), Ang or Sdaach or Khon (King), Neang (Queen), Koul (Pillar), Ses (Horse), Touk (boat) and in front line has 8 fishes (Trey). When this fish move up to column 6, it will promoted to Trey Bork (Neang).

Ang (King)

King - AngAng (King) can move to all directions in one square, but except for the first move it has an option to move a leap like Ses (Horse), usually to the left or right.

Ang is a king, so it can not die. Because you will lost the game if your king die.

Neang (Queen)

Queen - Neang

Neang (Queen) can move diagonally in every direction, but only one square. Neang is always used to attack the opponent and sometimes also used for protecting Ang (King) same as Koul (Pillar).

Koul (Pillar)

Pillar - Kol
Koul (Pillar) can move one square diagonally in every direction and one square straight forward. Khon is the one mostly used to protect khun. It is more useful than a knight (ma) at the end of the game.

Ses (Horse)

Horse - Ses
Ses (Horse) can move and be used the same as world chess knight.

Touk (boat)

Boat - Tuk
Touk (boat) can move and be used the same as world chess rook. It's very powerful if you still have it near the end of the game.

Trey (Fish)

Fish - Trey
Trey (Fish) can moves 1 step ahead and captures 1 step diagonally ahead. After moving forward three rows, Trey (Fish) is promoted to Neang (Queen). It doesn't have to reach the far end. Promotion is done by turning the piece over. Trey is always used for attacking the opponent, clearing the way and stopping the opponent from coming forward.

Counting Rules

When neither side has any pawns the game must be completed within a certain number of moves or it is declared a draw. Read more about counting rules.

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